Sourced from the same farms that supply Dr. Bronner's soaps, our Mint!! is a blend of organically grown, hand-picked field mint and peppermint. The leaves are dried slowly to preserve their cleansing fragrance and vibrant taste. Add to salads, syrups, roasted vegetables and proteins, dips and sauces, or sub for fresh mint in any dish. It's tingly!
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and field mint (Mentha arvensis), dried
Cooking tips


- Sub for fresh mint in any recipe
- Sprinkle over ice cream
- Add to fruit salad
- Stir into rice dishes
- Infuse in hot water for soothing tea

Sourced from the same farms that supply Dr. Bronner's with mint for their soaps, this mint is a combination of field mint (tingly!) and peppermint (minty!). It is grown organically, hand-picked and sun-dried.